Since we've been here in Bolivia for about six months now, I realized it's time to start a blog. But what better way to begin than to share a few of the pictures we've taken! Enjoy!

Learning how to play Dutch Blitz!

The newest addition to our family! Her name is Luna, and she's very precarious...I don't think she'll last too much longer inside of the house.

Irene and Idolina are sisters, but people are always confusing one for the other!

a party in our house!

With our host mom at the "casa del camba". This is a classy restaurant here in Santa Cruz which features food here from the lowlands.

From a glass factory we visited. They use all recycled glass and this is the process where they melt the old glass.

This was during our trip to Cochabamba. The Christ here was modeled after the one in Brasil, but is a few meters Bolivians proudly boast having the tallest statue in South America.

The women with braids are often cautious about picture taking, so I thought this was the perfect opportunity; also taken in Cochabamba.

This was a fun night at an Italian Restaurant with some folks from MCC

Visiting our buddy Benjamin in Yapacani (an interesting town about two and a half hours north of Santa Cruz. We managed to hop on a bus to meet him and everyone in the bus was speaking Quechua (except for us of course).